Diwali dress up day It was so lovely to see our children and staff taking part in our Diwali dress up day.
Kingfisher Class Assembly Kingfisher class performed a wonderful assembly to their families about Diwali.
Parent lunch taster sessions One of our school values is FAMILY. As part of this, we want children to have the opportunity to share how we eat together as a family so we invited parents in for a lunch taster session with their child.
Year 1 local walk Last week, the children in Year 1 went on a walk around the local area. They identified the human and physical features of their surrounding.
Visit to Hillingdon Foodbank A group of children recently visited Hillingdon Foodbank. They were able to see how the food is sorted and then given out to those in need. They even got to help label and sort some of the food!
Harvest Festival Assemblies As part of our Harvest assemblies, we received a visit from Father Andrew and Lara Seymour (a childrens and families worker at St Margaret’s Church).
Summer Reading Challenge Assembly We recently held an assembly to celebrate some of the children who brought in their Summer Reading Challenge certificates. They each received a book and bookmark and had tea with their family members. Another assembly will be held after half term.
Nursery visit from a Fire Engine The Nursery children were very lucky to receive a visit from a fire engine! They were able to sit in the fire
engine and try using some of the equipment.
Year 2 Victorian Day The children had a great time on their Victorian day and learnt so much about the Victorian Era.
Ministars Sports Day The Nursery children were fantastic in their Ministars Sports Day!