Christmas lunch day I would like to thank Harrison’s catering for the delicious, nutritious Christmas lunch, the Parents’ Association for providing the table decorations and the lunchtime staff for ensuring the children had an enjoyable meal.
Children in Need dress up day It was lovely to see the staff and children being ‘Spotacular’ for Pudsey! We raised £384! Thank you to everyone who donated.
Thank you card from Boris Johnson The children in school made a get well soon card for Boris Johnson while he was ill with Covid-19. It was lovely to receive a thank you card from him.
Victory in Europe Day celebrations Friday 8th May marked 75 years since Victory in Europe Day. It was lovely to see so many staff and children celebrating this day.
Assembly by Alistair Henry We recently had an assembly in school hosted by Alistair Henry, He is a scientist working on finding a cure for Covid-19.
NSPCC Assembly We were very lucky to receive a visit from the NSPCC who held their ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ assembly for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.