Whitehall Infant School

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Cowley Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 2LX


Uxbridge (01895) 590112

Whitehall Infant School

A five star school with a FRESH approach

  1. Parents
  2. Mental Wellbeing

Mental Wellbeing

It is so important to ensure that everyone is looking after themselves and taking care of their mental wellbeing.

This page contains useful links and information to help you do this. If you have any suggestions for looking after mental wellbeing (for both adults and children) that you feel might be useful to other parents, please email them to office@mail.whitehallinf.org.


 Supporting Your Mental Wellbeing


Young Minds are providing parents with a support help finder. Click on the image to access their website: 

Parenting and mental health information from Mind https://www.mind.org.uk