Whitehall Infant School

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Cowley Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 2LX


Uxbridge (01895) 590112

Whitehall Infant School

A five star school with a FRESH approach

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Weather Reminders - Temperatures are Rising

    Weather Reminders - Temperatures are Rising

    16 June 2022 (by admin)

    Here are some top tips!

     The weather this week is predicted to get warmer and warmer as we approach Friday. 

    Please remember: 

    • Apply sun cream to your child before they come to school 
    • Provide a named water bottle for your child to bring to school
    • Provide a sun hat for your child to bring to school
    • Limit the number of layers your child is wearing

    Thank you